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mike wisniewski

À rejoins en date due:

Oct. 3, 2016





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Lock Car when Started

I installed an EVO-One in a 2016 Subaru Impreza Standard Key. I went through the programming options and noticed that Function 7 (Ignition Doorlock option) has a Lock after foot-brake & unlock after key is turned to off. I was wondering if there is just an option to lock after foot-brake and don't worry about unlocking the vehicle. Thanks!


FTX64-2W 2-way RF Remote Doesn't Turn off after Remote Start

I am using the 2-way RF Remote (FTX64) on an EVO-One system. Things work great now, but there are times where the LED on the remote continues to flash after getting in the car and driving away. When remote started, I get in, put the key in the ignition, step on the brakes and drive away like normal. But when this happens, most of the time, the LED continues to flash green for about 10 minutes every 30 or so seconds. It's a bit of a distraction, especially when driving at night, to try to ignore this flash. Is there a reason the remote continues to flash? Is there a way to stop it?


Heated Seats and Rear-Defrost Control

I have a 2016 Impreza with the EVO-ONE installed. In my options, I have enabled A4, A5, and A6. Do the heated seats and rear-defrost turn on automatically? Do you have to connect the AUX wire to the rear defroster?


What does "Reload Options" mean in Flash Link Manager?

When using the Flash Link Manager, what does the "Reload Options" button (next to save options) do? When using it, it seems to do nothing. I have a feeling that if you reset the evo using a 'master reset' and then plug the evo into the flash link, the 'reload option' may reload the current options on the evo into flashlink. But just wanted to see if it was really it or something else. Thanks


Headlight Indicator Always On

I updated to the 1.23 firmware the other day and since updating to it, I've noticed that my dashboard headlight indicator doesn't turn off. My headlight light switch does not have an 'auto' position and is turned to the 'off' position, but the dashboard thinks the headlights are on and displays the green 'headlight indicator light'. I also noticed that the dashboard lights are dimmer, as if they headlights are on. I checked and even though the headlight indicator and dashboard thinks the headlights are on, they are off at the switch and at the headlight itself. So the headlights are still controlled by the switch but just the dashboard thinks differently. Is there anything that can be done to resolve this issue?


Are unused wires disabled?

I'm installing the EVO-ONE in a 2016 Subaru Impreza (standard key). Things are working OK except for the door lock function while it's remote started. Are the wires that are grayed out in the car installation manual disabled in the firmware? Specifically, would A2 and A3 (Lock and Unlock) not function if I hook these outputs into the car lock/unlock wiring? I've seen nothing get outputted on these wires and was wondering if it may be disabled elsewhere, through the firmware or an option.


Disable Unlock Confirmation Horn

I installed an EVO-ONE on my 2016 Subaru Impreza (key) using the T-Harness. Everything is working well so far but just learning the system so far. On the Subaru, to unlock the door on the OEM fob, you hit unlock once for the drivers door and unlock a second time to unlock all doors. On the RF kit with the FTX-64-2W fobs, if I hit unlock once, the drivers door unlocks. If I hit it again, the horn honks twice and unlocks all the doors. I believe Subaru does the 1 unlock driver/2 unlock all, whereas the EVO-ONE thinks that I want to do a confirmation unlock. Is there a way to disable the confirmation unlock? I don't know if I can flip function 12 to mode 2 so that it thinks I have a siren and will output nothing. But since I am using the T-Harness, I'm a bit worried that if I do that, it may activate or do something to the "Ignition2", whatever that may be, since I'm using the T-Harness. The other option is to cut the horn wire, but I don't feel like digging under the dash again. Thanks!

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